Monday, February 20, 2006

Ghost poster / Mason's found sound.

For whatever reason Mason decided to give me the honor of posting this audio train wreck.

More info from Mason's lj:
here's a tape i've been talking about for a the beginning of the file, you're hear samples of the rest of the tape. it's mostly a group of longtime friends shooting the shit while drunk. but it gets scary a few minutes in. that's when the fight starts. it's vicious, possibly drunken and almost certainly real. these people are dying and hate each other. they didn't want this tape to survive or possibly died before they could destroy it completely. i feel like i should probably get rid of it and let this sort of bitterness disappear, but instead i've put it on the internet for you.



At 12:35 PM, matt h said...

thanks for sharing. that was devastating.


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