Tuesday, May 30, 2006

How can I make it up to you, Renee?

I'll be honest. Usually I'm in such a rush to share what I want to share with the rest of the world. Stupid, isn't it? The pictures don't work here half the time and, once in a while, the music link is typed wrong in some way. It's the 21st century, which means I've been typing in HTML for more than 10 years now. You'd think I could get it right more often.

I am sorry. In the future, I will strive to make sure that I don't let my rush to share be for naught. What can I give you that will maybe make things right? Why, how about Troglodyte by the Jimmy Castor Bunch? Will that help? I hope it helps. I also promise to finish my research on the "Lindsey Buckingham: Gayblade" article.

If this isn't good enough, click this link after 12 am for The Mandelay Song by The Flying Lizards.



At 10:33 AM, Your Favorite Troglodyte said...

All I ask for is a little quality control before you post. That is all!

Thank you.


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